Useful Resources Can Be A Quick & Easy Way Of
Building Content

A useful section of genuine content to help your
A quick and easy way of
adding content to a site is to create a resources
This can be anything from a
simple list of appropriate web sites to a full-blown directory
including mini-reviews of each of the sites listed.
You could also include
reviews of products or services related to the niche in
The great thing about writing
about other resources is that it's very easy content to write.
You are simply reporting features (and your thoughts on them,
perhaps) of another site; some software; a book - anything
relevant really.
Written well, this can be of
genuine value to your visitors - you may have a great deal of
knowledge within your site's subject area, and if you can share
your knowledge and ideas through a resources list it is likely
to be of real interest to your site's visitors, since they are
likely to be interested in that same subject area.
It's important to remember
that it is not essential to build the 'ultimate resource' right
from the start. It is far better to start of with just a
handful of entries and from time-to-time add a few more to the
list. This is a task you can put in your diary so that you are
reminded to visit the site once a month and add a set number of
new resources. If you only add three new resources each month
that will be thirty-six resources a year. Google likes sites
which are updated regularly, and resource pages are a logical
way of doing just
- Web Sites
Adding a list of useful web sites and be a quick and easy way of generating a content rich page that will be useful to visitors, but that should also rank well in the search engines if the sites are appropriate and the descriptions you enter for the sites make use of your chosen keywords and phrases.
- Products
If the site you are creating relates to a certain product category, e.g. children's toys, why not include a list of appropriate products. This could be a single page or it could be a collection of sub-pages with a main index page.
- Services
If your site relates to an industry that has various service providers why not create a page or several pages relating to the key players within the market place.
- People
You might want to include a page listing several of the key players within the market place. Not all niches will allow this, but if your niche does then it can help you to generate more content quickly and easily.